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eco-friend aviation fuel

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Green Proofs: Sustainable Aviation Fuel
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Green Proofs:
Sustainable Aviation Fuel
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SAFc at a glance

Ensuring trust and transparency in Sustainable Aviation Fuel Certificates to drive sustainable aviation demand and scale adoption.
SAF certificates are issued by producers and claimed by airlines or corporate aviation customers
Green Proofs tech stack enhances transparency and verifiability for users, auditors, and the public
Companies use “claimed” SAF Certificates to meet decarbonization goals
Start using the Registry
Set up your company on the SAFc Registry and serve as the first Company Representative (CR).
The SAFc issuance process helps Fuel Providers navigate the complex sustainability disclosure landscape
SAFC Registry helps by having independent auditors verify fuel providers and certify fuel quality through 3rd party certifications.
SAFC Registry helps by ensuring consistency through the comprehensive SAFc Registry Rulebook with unified standards.
SAFC Registry helps by scaling operations, facilitating feedstock sourcing, fuel production, and securing long-term contracts efficiently.
SAF certificates are issued by producers and claimed by airlines or corporate aviation customers
Green Proofs tech stack enhances transparency and verifiability for users, auditors, and the public
Companies use “claimed” SAF Certificates to meet decarbonization goals
The SAFc issuance process helps Fuel Providers navigate the complex sustainability disclosure landscape
SAFC Registry helps by having independent auditors verify fuel providers and certify fuel quality through 3rd party certifications.
SAFC Registry helps by ensuring consistency through the comprehensive SAFc Registry Rulebook with unified standards.
SAFC Registry helps by scaling operations, facilitating feedstock sourcing, fuel production, and securing long-term contracts efficiently.
Start using the Registry
Set up your company on the SAFc Registry and serve as the first Company Representative (CR). CRs manage company information, accounts, and users, interfacing with the Registry Administration team.

Who it is for

Ideal for aviation industry stakeholders seeking to verify and support sustainable fuel initiatives.
Fuel providers
Seeking to validate and promote their sustainable aviation fuel production and distribution efforts.
Air transport providers
Aiming to enhance their sustainability credentials with certified, eco-friendly fuel options, reduce carbon emissions for  sustainable aviation practices.
Customers of aviation services
Wanting to ensure their flights use environmentally responsible, certified sustainable fuel.
Logistics service providers
Committed to reducing carbon footprints through verified, sustainable aviation fuel use.
Public and market intermediaries
Interested in supporting and verifying sustainable aviation fuel initiatives.
Fuel providers
Seeking to validate and promote their sustainable aviation fuel production and distribution efforts.
Air transport providers
Aiming to enhance their sustainability credentials with certified, eco-friendly fuel options, reduce carbon emissions, and meet regulatory and market demands for greener, more sustainable aviation practices.
Customers of aviation services
Wanting to ensure their flights use environmentally responsible, certified sustainable fuel.
Logistics service providers
Committed to reducing carbon footprints through verified, sustainable aviation fuel use.
Public and market intermediaries
Interested in supporting and verifying sustainable aviation fuel initiatives.

How it works

Explore the process of SAFc certification for Sustainable Aviation Fuel.
Inside the registry
SAF Certificates are issued by Fuel Providers, transferred to their customers, and ultimately retired to meet sustainability goals.
Outside the registry
SAF is produced, certified, and sold. Retired SAFc may then be used to substantiate corporate sustainability disclosures.
The SAFc Registry is owned by RMI, operated by EnergyWeb, and governed by a multistakeholder board.​
Fee Structure
The SAFc Registry is free for corporate customers. Fees support the ongoing operation and enhancements of the platform.
Inside the registry
SAF Certificates are issued by Fuel Providers, transferred to their customers, and ultimately retired to meet sustainability goals.
Outside the registry
SAF is produced, certified, and sold. Retired SAFc may then be used to substantiate corporate sustainability disclosures.
The SAFc Registry is owned by RMI, operated by EnergyWeb, and governed by a multistakeholder board.​
Fee Structure
The SAFc Registry is free for corporate customers. Fees support the ongoing operation and enhancements of the platform.

Set up your company

Follow these steps to start using the registry.
In 4 Steps




Onboard your company to the SAFc Registry


Set up your company's Registry accounts and invite your colleagues to operate the accounts


Connect with a Fuel Provider off of the Registry to establish your SAFc offtake agreement


Retire your SAFc to materialize your public sustainability disclosures

Start using SAFc

Register your company, procure SAFc from a Fuel Provider, and decarbonize your air travel!
Visit Website

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Unleash Your Worker Node For Enterprise Solutions

Connect, Deploy, Verify: Pioneering 
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Green Proofs for Bitcoin is a first-of-its-kind leadership initiative for sustainable Bitcoin miners

We spotlight miners and hosting companies that use renewable energy, site their operations in low-carbon grids.

Welcome to the Maritime Registry

The Maritime Book and Claim Registry (MBC) promotes sustainability by facilitating the use of sustainable fuels throughout the maritime supply chain.

Ever wondered how 
green your electric vehicle really is?

Find out with the Energy Web AutoGreenCharge app

Energy Web X

Unleash Your Worker Node For Enterprise Solutions

Connect, Deploy, Verify: Pioneering 
a New Energy Standard with Open-Source Digital Technologies


Deploy Solutions in Minutes

Build workflows, integrate with any existing data sources/APIsthrough a no-code infrastructure, and deploy them to thousands of decentralized worker nodes in minutes.


Green Proofs for Bitcoin is a first-of-its-kind leadership initiative for sustainable Bitcoin miners

We spotlight miners and hosting companies that use renewable energy, site their operations in low-carbon grids.


Welcome to the Maritime Registry

We spotlight miners and hosting companies that use renewable energy, site their operations in low-carbon grids.


Ever wondered how 
green your electric vehicle really is?

Find out with the Energy Web AutoGreenCharge app

Energy Web Dive

Energy Web Dive
May 6-9

Discover Energy Web Dive 2024, where we showcased the very heart of Energy Web, applications that redefined the future, and dynamic partnerships that fueled transformative change. Welcome to the future of energy!
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SAFc platform


Sustainable aviation fuel certificates (SAFc) can help drive demand for sustainable aviation if users of SAFc understand how it works, what it represents and are confident of its long-term credibility. The aim of the SAFc Registry is to create the consistency, transparency, and auditability of SAF certificates that is necessary to build trust, scale SAFc uptake, and signal strong demand signal for new SAF supply.


Shell SAF MVP+


Energy Web provided technical and design support to the Shell team as they built their SAF-tracking platform, which utilizes the EVM Energy Web Chain.




The aim of CIRPASS is to prepare the ground for a gradual piloting and deployment of DPPs from 2023 onwards, with an initial focus on the electric and electronics, batteries and textile sectors, while laying the groundwork for a cross-sectoral DPP based on common rules, principles, taxonomy and standards.


CAISO Flex Alert


A Flex Alert is a call for consumers to voluntarily conserve electricity when there is a predicted shortage of energy supply, especially if the grid operator needs to dip into reserves to cover demand.


SCER Plaform


Traceability platform for Uruguay's national SCER scheme.


Trusted Green Charging


How can we enable companies to use locally generated energy with maximum impact while making sustainability reporting easier for them? At the Digital Hub Mobility, we are addressing this question together with corporate partners and start-ups as part of the co-innovation format citizen mobility.


AEMO Project EDGE & Symphony


Project EDGE and Symphony are collaborative projects of AEMO, Australian aggregators, and DNSPs with funding support from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), to demonstrate how to facilitate efficient and scalable trade of distributed energy services (at both wholesale and local levels), so that the value of DER integration can be maximised for all energy consumers.


Volkswagen delivers 24/7 renewable energy charging solution for electric vehicles


Energy Web, Volkswagen Group Innovation and Elli developed a new smart charging solution enabling EV owners to charge their vehicles with renewable electricity that is matched directly with the vehicle’s real-time electricity consumption. The solution relies on “24/7” matching algorithm which optimizes charging to maximize the use of clean, locally sourced electricity and provides users with an unprecedented level of control and granularity over EV charging. Through the solution, users can dictate the date and time of charging, the desired level of charge by the end of their session, what and the renewable energy facility the electricity is drawn from. Several VW ID4s were successfully charged with local clean energy consumption, over the span of 3 months.


Open-source toolkits for spearheading development of traceability platforms for 24/7 renewable energy tracking and matching


In light of increasing interest for highly granular renewables accounting and sourcing, Energy Web (EW) in cooperation with Elia, SB Energy, and Shell developed a 24/7 software toolkit, EW’s first set of open-source software development kit (SDK) to track and match renewable electricity generation and consumption on a 24/7 level.


Traceability platform for Sustainable Aviation Fuel by Shell and Accenture, powered by EW-stack


Avelia is one of the world’s first blockchain-powered digital sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)* book-and-claim solutions for business travel. The pilot phase of the programme aims to demonstrate the credibility of the book-and-claim model, using Energy Web blockchain technology to ensure secured allocation of SAF’s environmental attributes to companies and airlines after the fuel has been delivered into the fuel network. With Avelia, airlines and business customers could simultaneously reduce emissions in their respective scopes, while ensuring transparency and accountability by avoiding issues such as double-counting. Developed by Shell and Accenture, with the support of the Energy Web Foundation (EWF), Avelia includes Amex GBT’s world-leading travel management services to aggregate global business demand for SAF, which will increase SAF supply and use and help accelerate the aviation industry’s pathway towards net-zero emissions.


SIM-centric blockchain technology (SCB) for IoT connectivity


Vodafone Business and EW created a new partnership to help improve the integration of renewable and distributed energy assets within power grids using secure IoT connectivity and blockchain technology. The partnership will combine SIM-centric blockchain technology (SCB) with IoT connectivity from Vodafone Business to create secure IDs for energy assets on the EnergyWeb Chain. This means that renewable and distributed assets like wind turbines, batteries, heat pumps, and solar panels can be integrated with energy grids safely and efficiently."




EasyBat is an open-source solution for decentralized lifecycle battery asset management. The solution is built on the Energy Web Decentralized Operating System (EW-DOS) open-source technology stack and focuses on the entire battery lifecycle. Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), distributors, installers, and accredited inspection and certification organizations issue and verify every relevant asset transaction. The fact that all these entities work together on a shared decentralized ecosystem is an important and never-seen-before innovation. Partners involve Bebat, the Belgian battery compliance scheme and Fluvius, the electricity and natural gas distribution system operator (DSO) for the Flemish Region of Belgium.


APG FlexHub


This proof of concept established that a decentralized platform can allow customer-sited energy assets (e.g., battery storage systems) to offer their flexibility into a frequency market, be activated when called on, deliver flexibility when activated, and be compensated for any flexibility provided.


E-Mobility Dashboard


An open platform to simplify identifying electric vehicles and charge points, through digital identities on the Energy Web Chain, which enables all parties to get trustworthy, live and historic data from devices, improving green electricity purchasing and enabling the emergence of other energy services and opportunities for owners and energy companies




The ElectraFlex project is focusing on the deployment of a digital platform that will allow Electra Caldense to utilize the flexible capacity of assets connected to their electricity network. ElectraFlex is the world’s first decentralized flexibility platform tailored for the specific needs of a distribution system operator (DSO). The multi-faceted flexibility platform is using Energy Web’s EW-DOS technology stack to assign digital identities to all connected assets and flexibility market participants, allowing them to self-register in energy markets, and offer services to Electra Caldense as well as the Spanish transmission system operator (REE) on behalf of their owners.


Blockchain Identity Ledger


Germany’s federal energy agency, Deutsche Energie-Agentur (DENA), has selected Energy Web to design and construct a digital registry for distributed energy resources (DERs) across the country in partnership with more than 20 industry players. The project will enable energy assets in Germany, such as thermostats, solar PV systems, batteries, and electric vehicle charging stations to undertake automatic registration with a decentralized ledger of identities, allowing their utilisation by the German grid for a range of services such as virtual power plants and frequency regulation.


I-REC Marketplace


PTT and EW cooperated to build a production-ready digital marketplace for renewable energy certificates in Thailand/APAC in line with the I-REC Standard. The marketplace, ReAcc, is starting off with the I-REC certificates but has other products on the roadmap such as digitizing PPAs and green EV charging.


Energy Web Zero


Grant for Energy Web to develop EW Zero, a publicly accessible renewable energy search engine. The codebase will be further developed and the platform will be commercially scale by Zero Labs, an independent start-up founded by EW alumni. This is in line with the findings from the governance assessment.




ReBeam integrates all the different parties typically involved in an EV charging session, including transmission system operators (TSOs), distribution system operators (DSOs), charge point operators (CPOs), and more. The outcome of cross-market interconnectivity is that end-users will be able to choose the electricity supplier of their choice at any participating public charging station, simplifying the EV charging process and maximizing choice for EV owners. All of this works without users having to sign multiple contracts or rely on different third-party service providers.


Proof of Green Mining


In support of the Crypto Climate Accord (CCA), Protocol Labs and Energy Web executed showcase of an open-source solution for decentralized renewable energy purchasing by crypto miners. Six Filecoin storage providers (i.e., miners) purchased verified renewable energy certificates from 3Degrees and SP Group using Energy Web Zero, a public renewable energy search engine. The solution will eventually be applicable across any blockchain to make it easy for any crypto miner to deliver proof of green mining.


PEC Marketplace


Responding to a Public Utility Commission of Nevada public docket, Energy Web is advising a PEC Marketplace PoC in Nevada that is built by Blockchains. Uses the Origin Issuer.


Generation Attribute Tracking System


PJM and EW cooperated in a year-long partnership to test blockchain-based tools (including the Origin SDK) for creating a digital marketplace for voluntary RECs. Several buyers and sellers of RECs tested the marketplace, which was integrated with the PJM GATS registry.


I-REC Marketplace


Production EW Origin Marketplace in compliance with The I-REC Standard in Central America


Proof of Green Storage


Sonnen, a leading energy storage provider, and EW partnered to develop a solution for matching surplus renewable energy generation with a fleet of distributed batteries using the EW Chain and EW Origin toolkit. The solution helps the local distribution network operator to balance the grid, avoid curtailment of variable renewable generation, issue grid off-take certificates to participating batteries, and streamline settlement.


I-REC Marketplace


PTT and EW cooperated to build a production-ready digital marketplace for renewable energy certificates in Thailand/APAC in line with the I-REC Standard. The marketplace, ReAcc, is starting off with the I-REC certificates but has other products on the roadmap such as digitizing PPAs and green EV charging.


Stedin Layered Energy System


Stedin, a Dutch distribution system operator, and Energy21, a leading technology provider, developed the Layered Energy System in 2018 to demonstrate the feasibility of local energy markets. The project combined an innovative market design with a technology platform leveraging the Energy Web Chain to enable a local energy community with a market that incentivized consumption of local renewable energy.


The Energy Origin (TEO)


TEO is the first electricity matching & Blockchain certification platform, and one of the first production applications deployed on the Energy Web Chain. TEO turns energy data into secure digital assets through Blockchain technology and empowers customers to automatically create secure audit trails between renewable energy and consumption.


EW-DOS SunSpec Modbus Extension


Origin SDK's latest release includes I-REC integration, which allows companies to build digital I-REC marketplaces in compliance with the I-REC Standard


I-REC Registry Integration


The latest release of EW Origin, an open-source software development kit (SDK) for the easier and efficient building of decentralized applications for tracking and trading renewable electricity. This release is especially relevant for companies interested in developing and/or operating a digital platform for renewable energy certificates, specifically in line with the I-REC Standard. EW Origin SDK offers integration with the I-REC registry through the full I-REC API, which means digital marketplaces built with EW Origin can offer device and certificate management functionalities that automatically synchronize with the I-REC registry.
